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Easily compute moderation analyses, with effect sizes, and format in publication-ready format.


  moderator2 = NULL,
  covariates = NULL,
  b.label = "b",
  standardize = TRUE, = TRUE,
  ci.alternative = "two.sided",



The data frame


The dependent variable.


The independent variable.


The moderating variable.


The second moderating variable, if applicable.


The desired covariates in the model.


What to rename the default "b" column (e.g., to capital B if using standardized data for it to be converted to the Greek beta symbol in the nice_table() function). Now attempts to automatically detect whether the variables were standardized, and if so, sets b.label = "B" automatically. Factor variables or dummy variables (only two numeric values) are ignored when checking for standardization. This argument is now deprecated, please use argument standardize directly instead.


Logical, whether to standardize the data before fitting the model. If TRUE, automatically sets b.label = "B". Defaults to TRUE.

Logical. Whether to display the model number, when there is more than one model.


Alternative for the confidence interval of the sr2. It can be either "two.sided (the default in this package), "greater", or "less".


Further arguments to be passed to the lm() function for the models.


A formatted dataframe of the specified lm model, with DV, IV, degrees of freedom, regression coefficient, t-value, p-value, and the effect size, the semi-partial correlation squared, and its confidence interval.


The effect size, sr2 (semi-partial correlation squared, also known as delta R2), is computed through effectsize::r2_semipartial. Please read the documentation for that function, especially regarding the interpretation of the confidence interval. In rempsyc, instead of using the default one-sided alternative ("greater"), we use the two-sided alternative.

To interpret the sr2, use effectsize::interpret_r2_semipartial().

For the easystats equivalent, use report::report() on the lm() model object.

See also

Checking simple slopes after testing for moderation: nice_slopes, nice_lm, nice_lm_slopes. Tutorial:


# Make the basic table
  data = mtcars,
  response = "mpg",
  predictor = "gear",
  moderator = "wt"
#>   Dependent Variable Predictor df           B          t            p
#> 1                mpg      gear 28 -0.08718042 -0.7982999 4.314156e-01
#> 2                mpg        wt 28 -0.94959988 -8.6037724 2.383144e-09
#> 3                mpg   gear:wt 28 -0.23559962 -2.1551077 3.989970e-02
#>           sr2     CI_lower   CI_upper
#> 1 0.004805465 0.0000000000 0.02702141
#> 2 0.558188818 0.3142326391 0.80214500
#> 3 0.035022025 0.0003502202 0.09723370

# Multiple dependent variables at once
  data = mtcars,
  response = c("mpg", "disp", "hp"),
  predictor = "gear",
  moderator = "wt"
#>   Model Number Dependent Variable Predictor df           B          t
#> 1            1                mpg      gear 28 -0.08718042 -0.7982999
#> 2            1                mpg        wt 28 -0.94959988 -8.6037724
#> 3            1                mpg   gear:wt 28 -0.23559962 -2.1551077
#> 4            2               disp      gear 28 -0.07488985 -0.6967831
#> 5            2               disp        wt 28  0.83273987  7.6662883
#> 6            2               disp   gear:wt 28 -0.08758665 -0.8140664
#> 7            3                 hp      gear 28  0.42308208  2.6537930
#> 8            3                 hp        wt 28  0.92572761  5.7454866
#> 9            3                 hp   gear:wt 28  0.15308972  0.9592587
#>              p         sr2     CI_lower   CI_upper
#> 1 4.314156e-01 0.004805465 0.0000000000 0.02702141
#> 2 2.383144e-09 0.558188818 0.3142326391 0.80214500
#> 3 3.989970e-02 0.035022025 0.0003502202 0.09723370
#> 4 4.916834e-01 0.003546038 0.0000000000 0.02230154
#> 5 2.373171e-08 0.429258143 0.1916386492 0.66687764
#> 6 4.224765e-01 0.004840251 0.0000000000 0.02679265
#> 7 1.297126e-02 0.113174016 0.0011317402 0.26928944
#> 8 3.637782e-06 0.530476631 0.2928664478 0.76808681
#> 9 3.456390e-01 0.014787139 0.0000000000 0.07139000

# Add covariates
  data = mtcars,
  response = "mpg",
  predictor = "gear",
  moderator = "wt",
  covariates = c("am", "vs")
#>   Dependent Variable Predictor df          B          t            p
#> 1                mpg      gear 26 -0.1106937 -0.8787865 3.875666e-01
#> 2                mpg        wt 26 -0.6977072 -5.0686874 2.803684e-05
#> 3                mpg        am 26  0.1306864  0.8569286 3.993141e-01
#> 4                mpg        vs 26  0.3192472  3.2441426 3.228614e-03
#> 5                mpg   gear:wt 26 -0.2511143 -2.5615471 1.656773e-02
#>           sr2     CI_lower   CI_upper
#> 1 0.004459982 0.0000000000 0.02257663
#> 2 0.148373834 0.0198201790 0.27692749
#> 3 0.004240876 0.0000000000 0.02189819
#> 4 0.060780767 0.0006078077 0.13504910
#> 5 0.037894048 0.0003789405 0.09436130

# Three-way interaction
x <- nice_mod(
  data = mtcars,
  response = "mpg",
  predictor = "gear",
  moderator = "wt",
  moderator2 = "am"
#>   Dependent Variable  Predictor df          B         t           p         sr2
#> 1                mpg       gear 24  0.3013096  1.791291 0.085867454 0.015880099
#> 2                mpg         wt 24 -1.9824141 -3.296782 0.003035645 0.053790002
#> 3                mpg         am 24 -0.3381137 -1.431537 0.165170887 0.010142070
#> 4                mpg    gear:wt 24 -0.9906361 -1.567980 0.129977525 0.012167517
#> 5                mpg    gear:am 24 -0.2934245 -1.649909 0.111990122 0.013472278
#> 6                mpg      wt:am 24  0.2636573  0.499489 0.621983258 0.001234733
#> 7                mpg gear:wt:am 24  1.0037369  1.854357 0.076016767 0.017017980
#>    CI_lower    CI_upper
#> 1 0.0000000 0.047441438
#> 2 0.0005379 0.117448925
#> 3 0.0000000 0.034953502
#> 4 0.0000000 0.039504439
#> 5 0.0000000 0.042345492
#> 6 0.0000000 0.009659682
#> 7 0.0000000 0.049794162
# Get interpretations
cbind(x, Interpretation = effectsize::interpret_r2_semipartial(x$sr2))
#>   Dependent Variable  Predictor df          B         t           p         sr2
#> 1                mpg       gear 24  0.3013096  1.791291 0.085867454 0.015880099
#> 2                mpg         wt 24 -1.9824141 -3.296782 0.003035645 0.053790002
#> 3                mpg         am 24 -0.3381137 -1.431537 0.165170887 0.010142070
#> 4                mpg    gear:wt 24 -0.9906361 -1.567980 0.129977525 0.012167517
#> 5                mpg    gear:am 24 -0.2934245 -1.649909 0.111990122 0.013472278
#> 6                mpg      wt:am 24  0.2636573  0.499489 0.621983258 0.001234733
#> 7                mpg gear:wt:am 24  1.0037369  1.854357 0.076016767 0.017017980
#>    CI_lower    CI_upper Interpretation
#> 1 0.0000000 0.047441438          small
#> 2 0.0005379 0.117448925          small
#> 3 0.0000000 0.034953502          small
#> 4 0.0000000 0.039504439          small
#> 5 0.0000000 0.042345492          small
#> 6 0.0000000 0.009659682     very small
#> 7 0.0000000 0.049794162          small