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  • nice_table: add possibility to use variable label names!!!!
  • Fix Problem: Missing or empty return value for exported functions: nice_contrasts, nice_mod, nice_slopes, get_dep_version, install_if_not_installed
  • cormatrix_excel:
    • add argument to specify only half of matrix (lower half) for cormatrix_excel function?
  • nice_lm_contrasts:
    • improve function and add to contrasts vignette!
  • nice_contrasts
    • Need to accommodate: interactions/moderations in the models [kind of done with nice_lm_contrasts?]
    • Also add option to specify contrasts manually [maybe just refer users to other packages for this?]
    • Add option to not use bootstrapping (waiting on dgerlanc/bootES#11)
  • rcompanion_groupwiseMean
  • nice_t_test
    • R >= 4.4.0 has stopped supporting the ‘paired’ argument for the formula method. Add back support here. (temporary workaround was added, but add full support)
    • Add other optional corrections argument (other than Bonferroni) - can use easystats’ effectsize maybe?
    • Add option to specify robust.d for a robust version of Cohen’s d
    • Add option bootstrapped.CI to use a bootstrapped version of the 95% CI
    • Add option to display group means(?)
  • nice_varplot
    • Add option to standardize or not
    • Also add option to annotate Levene test on the plot
    • Use violin points, and group-mean centered (but not standardized)
  • nice_table
    • Integration: add meaningful error messages when using lm or t.test with wrong model type.
    • Remove unwanted italic formatting of headers when using separate.header = TRUE.
  • nice_normality
    • Change shapiro = T/F for test = Shapiro/KS/auto(Shapiro for n<=50, KS for above)
    • Fix error if no dv variation in one of the groups.
    • Add option to add SEs, skewness, kurtosis
  • all lm functions
    • Correct bug with factors in lm models (use data matrix as in easystats?)
  • nice_lm_slopes
    • Support second moderator
  • nice_slopes
    • Add support for multiple moderators (like for nice_mod)
  • All functions
    • Check for consistency among argument names like response/variable
      • Check other packages to see what’s most typically used
    • Triple check support for missing values