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Easily compute planned contrast analyses (pairwise comparisons similar to t-tests but more powerful when more than 2 groups), and format in publication-ready format. In this particular case, the confidence intervals are bootstraped on chosen effect size (default to Cohen's d).


  p_adjust = "none",
  effect.type = "cohens.d",
  bootstraps = 2000,



The model to be formatted.


The group for the comparison.


The data frame.


Character: adjustment method (e.g., "bonferroni") – added to options


What effect size type to use. One of "cohens.d" (default), "akp.robust.d", "unstandardized", "hedges.g", "cohens.d.sigma", or "r".


The number of bootstraps to use for the confidence interval


Arguments passed to bootES::bootES.


A dataframe, with the selected dependent variable(s), comparisons of interest, degrees of freedom, t-values, p-values, Cohen's d, and the lower and upper 95% confidence intervals of the effect size (i.e., dR).


Statistical power is lower with the standard t test compared than it is with the planned contrast version for two reasons: a) the sample size is smaller with the t test, because only the cases in the two groups are selected; and b) in the planned contrast the error term is smaller than it is with the standard t test because it is based on all the cases (source).

The effect size and confidence interval are calculated via bootES::bootES, and correct for contrasts but not for covariates and other predictors. Because this method uses bootstrapping, it is recommended to set a seed before using for reproducibility reasons (e.g., sed.seet(100)).

Does not for the moment support nested comparisons for marginal means, only a comparison of all groups. For nested comparisons, please use emmeans::contrast() directly, or for the easystats equivalent, modelbased::estimate_contrasts().

When using nice_lm_contrasts(), please use as.factor() outside the lm() formula, or it will lead to an error.


# Make and format model (group need to be a factor)
mtcars2 <- mtcars
mtcars2$cyl <- as.factor(mtcars2$cyl)
model <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + wt * hp, mtcars2)
nice_lm_contrasts(model, group = "cyl", data = mtcars, bootstraps = 500)
#>   Dependent Variable  Comparison df         t         p        d  CI_lower
#> 1                mpg cyl4 - cyl6 26 0.8452452 0.4056854 2.147244 1.2831781
#> 2                mpg cyl4 - cyl8 26 0.7047256 0.4872464 3.587739 2.7405544
#> 3                mpg cyl6 - cyl8 26 0.1302365 0.8973817 1.440495 0.7828333
#>   CI_upper
#> 1 2.985932
#> 2 4.582310
#> 3 1.978447

# Several models at once
mtcars2$gear <- as.factor(mtcars2$gear)
model2 <- lm(qsec ~ cyl, data = mtcars2)
my.models <- list(model, model2)
nice_lm_contrasts(my.models, group = "cyl", data = mtcars, bootstraps = 500)
#>   Dependent Variable  Comparison df         t            p         d   CI_lower
#> 1                mpg cyl4 - cyl6 26 0.8452452 0.4056854062 2.1472439  1.2831781
#> 2                mpg cyl4 - cyl8 26 0.7047256 0.4872463657 3.5877388  2.6849327
#> 3                mpg cyl6 - cyl8 26 0.1302365 0.8973817161 1.4404949  0.7982678
#> 4               qsec cyl4 - cyl6 29 1.6103903 0.1181454384 0.7786137 -0.3761605
#> 5               qsec cyl4 - cyl8 29 3.9396785 0.0004711519 1.5873417  0.8656254
#> 6               qsec cyl6 - cyl8 29 1.7470521 0.0912125385 0.8087280 -0.4254810
#>   CI_upper
#> 1 2.985932
#> 2 4.529380
#> 3 2.006210
#> 4 1.916876
#> 5 2.270826
#> 6 1.724369

# Now supports more than 3 levels
mtcars2$carb <- as.factor(mtcars2$carb)
model <- lm(mpg ~ carb + wt * hp, mtcars2)
nice_lm_contrasts(model, group = "carb", data = mtcars2, bootstraps = 500)
#> Warning: extreme order statistics used as endpoints
#>    Dependent Variable    Comparison df           t         p          d
#> 1                 mpg carb1 - carb2 23 -0.11167606 0.9120492  0.5999941
#> 2                 mpg carb1 - carb3 23 -0.11169714 0.9120326  1.8436713
#> 3                 mpg carb1 - carb4 23  0.60966169 0.5480622  1.9476509
#> 4                 mpg carb1 - carb6 23 -0.09074550 0.9284805  1.1504742
#> 5                 mpg carb1 - carb8 23 -0.43874537 0.6649399  2.1087173
#> 6                 mpg carb2 - carb3 23 -0.04660405 0.9632311  1.2436772
#> 7                 mpg carb2 - carb4 23  0.84056376 0.4092461  1.3476567
#> 8                 mpg carb2 - carb6 23 -0.04379931 0.9654424  0.5504801
#> 9                 mpg carb2 - carb8 23 -0.42623613 0.6738985  1.5087231
#> 10                mpg carb3 - carb4 23  0.73745888 0.4683007  0.1039796
#> 11                mpg carb3 - carb6 23 -0.01237567 0.9902326 -0.6931971
#> 12                mpg carb3 - carb8 23 -0.41044652 0.6852769  0.2650460
#> 13                mpg carb4 - carb6 23 -0.46023032 0.6496724 -0.7971767
#> 14                mpg carb4 - carb8 23 -0.81847254 0.4214869  0.1610664
#> 15                mpg carb6 - carb8 23 -0.35808238 0.7235472  0.9582431
#>       CI_lower   CI_upper
#> 1  -0.51694856  1.8254559
#> 2   1.02879860  2.7169111
#> 3   0.97780962  3.1942469
#> 4   0.39326638  2.2035687
#> 5   1.26010382  2.9683400
#> 6   0.46065533  1.9684140
#> 7   0.38715124  2.1885538
#> 8  -0.20539908  1.3147806
#> 9   0.67615602  2.1138626
#> 10 -0.45720063  0.5834472
#> 11 -0.89904526 -0.4788142
#> 12  0.04082518  0.4698009
#> 13 -1.34485228 -0.2904916
#> 14 -0.40209114  0.6084037
#> 15  0.80938200  1.1156342