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Identify outliers based on 3 median absolute deviations (MAD) from the median.


find_mad(data, col.list, ID = NULL, criteria = 3, mad.scores = TRUE)



The data frame.


List of variables to check for outliers.


ID variable if you would like the outliers to be identified as such.


How many MAD to use as threshold (similar to standard deviations)


Logical, whether to output robust z (MAD) scores (default) or raw scores. Defaults to TRUE.


A list of dataframes of outliers per variable, with row numbers, based on the MAD. When printed, provides the number of outliers, selected variables, and any outlier flagged for more than one variable. More information can be obtainned by using the attributes() function around the generated object.


The function internally use scale_mad() to "standardize" the data based on the MAD and median, and then check for any observation greater than the specified criteria (e.g., +/-3).

For the easystats equivalent, use: performance::check_outliers(x, method = "zscore_robust, threshold = 3).


Leys, C., Ley, C., Klein, O., Bernard, P., & Licata, L. (2013). Detecting outliers: Do not use standard deviation around the mean, use absolute deviation around the median. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 49(4), 764–766.


  data = mtcars,
  col.list = names(mtcars),
  criteria = 3
#> 20 outlier(s) based on 3 median absolute deviations for variable(s): 
#>  mpg, cyl, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, am, gear, carb 
#> The following participants were considered outliers for more than one variable: 
#>   Row n
#> 1   3 2
#> 2   9 2
#> 3  18 2
#> 4  19 2
#> 5  20 2
#> 6  26 2
#> 7  28 2
#> 8  31 2
#> 9  32 2
#> Outliers per variable: 
#> $qsec
#>   Row qsec_mad
#> 1   9 3.665557
#> $vs
#>    Row vs_mad
#> 1    3    Inf
#> 2    4    Inf
#> 3    6    Inf
#> 4    8    Inf
#> 5    9    Inf
#> 6   10    Inf
#> 7   11    Inf
#> 8   18    Inf
#> 9   19    Inf
#> 10  20    Inf
#> 11  21    Inf
#> 12  26    Inf
#> 13  28    Inf
#> 14  32    Inf
#> $am
#>    Row am_mad
#> 1    1    Inf
#> 2    2    Inf
#> 3    3    Inf
#> 4   18    Inf
#> 5   19    Inf
#> 6   20    Inf
#> 7   26    Inf
#> 8   27    Inf
#> 9   28    Inf
#> 10  29    Inf
#> 11  30    Inf
#> 12  31    Inf
#> 13  32    Inf
#> $carb
#>   Row carb_mad
#> 1  31 4.046945

mtcars2 <- mtcars
mtcars2$car <- row.names(mtcars)
  data = mtcars2,
  col.list = names(mtcars),
  ID = "car",
  criteria = 3
#> 20 outlier(s) based on 3 median absolute deviations for variable(s): 
#>  mpg, cyl, disp, hp, drat, wt, qsec, vs, am, gear, carb 
#> The following participants were considered outliers for more than one variable: 
#>   Row            car n
#> 1   3     Datsun 710 2
#> 2   9       Merc 230 2
#> 3  18       Fiat 128 2
#> 4  19    Honda Civic 2
#> 5  20 Toyota Corolla 2
#> 6  26      Fiat X1-9 2
#> 7  28   Lotus Europa 2
#> 8  31  Maserati Bora 2
#> 9  32     Volvo 142E 2
#> Outliers per variable: 
#> $qsec
#>   Row      car qsec_mad
#> 1   9 Merc 230 3.665557
#> $vs
#>    Row            car vs_mad
#> 1    3     Datsun 710    Inf
#> 2    4 Hornet 4 Drive    Inf
#> 3    6        Valiant    Inf
#> 4    8      Merc 240D    Inf
#> 5    9       Merc 230    Inf
#> 6   10       Merc 280    Inf
#> 7   11      Merc 280C    Inf
#> 8   18       Fiat 128    Inf
#> 9   19    Honda Civic    Inf
#> 10  20 Toyota Corolla    Inf
#> 11  21  Toyota Corona    Inf
#> 12  26      Fiat X1-9    Inf
#> 13  28   Lotus Europa    Inf
#> 14  32     Volvo 142E    Inf
#> $am
#>    Row            car am_mad
#> 1    1      Mazda RX4    Inf
#> 2    2  Mazda RX4 Wag    Inf
#> 3    3     Datsun 710    Inf
#> 4   18       Fiat 128    Inf
#> 5   19    Honda Civic    Inf
#> 6   20 Toyota Corolla    Inf
#> 7   26      Fiat X1-9    Inf
#> 8   27  Porsche 914-2    Inf
#> 9   28   Lotus Europa    Inf
#> 10  29 Ford Pantera L    Inf
#> 11  30   Ferrari Dino    Inf
#> 12  31  Maserati Bora    Inf
#> 13  32     Volvo 142E    Inf
#> $carb
#>   Row           car carb_mad
#> 1  31 Maserati Bora 4.046945