Easily output a correlation matrix and export it to Microsoft Excel, with the first row and column frozen, and correlation coefficients colour-coded based on effect size (0.0-0.2: small (no colour); 0.2-0.4: medium (pink/light blue); 0.4-1.0: large (red/dark blue)), following Cohen's suggestions for small (.10), medium (.30), and large (.50) correlation sizes.
Based on the correlation
and openxlsx2
- data
The data frame
- filename
Desired filename (path can be added before hand but no need to specify extension).
- overwrite
Whether to allow overwriting previous file.
- p_adjust
Default p-value adjustment method (default is "none", although
's default is "holm")- print.mat
Logical, whether to also print the correlation matrix to console.
- ...
Parameters to be passed to the
package (seecorrelation::correlation()
A Microsoft Excel document, containing the colour-coded correlation matrix with significance stars, on the first sheet, and the colour-coded p-values on the second sheet.
For the easystats equivalent, see:
Adapted from @JanMarvin (JanMarvin/openxlsx2#286) and the original cormatrix_excel (now imported from correlation::cormatrix_to_excel).
# Basic example
cormatrix_excel(mtcars, select = c("mpg", "cyl", "disp", "hp", "carb"), filename = "cormatrix1")
#> # Correlation Matrix (pearson-method)
#> Parameter | mpg | cyl | disp | hp | carb
#> ---------------------------------------------------------------
#> mpg | | -0.85*** | -0.85*** | -0.78*** | -0.55**
#> cyl | -0.85*** | | 0.90*** | 0.83*** | 0.53**
#> disp | -0.85*** | 0.90*** | | 0.79*** | 0.39*
#> hp | -0.78*** | 0.83*** | 0.79*** | | 0.75***
#> carb | -0.55** | 0.53** | 0.39* | 0.75*** |
#> p-value adjustment method: none
#> [Correlation matrix 'cormatrix1.xlsx' has been saved to working directory (or where specified).]
#> Warning: will not open file when not interactive
cormatrix_excel(iris, p_adjust = "none", filename = "cormatrix2")
#> # Correlation Matrix (pearson-method)
#> Parameter | Sepal.Length | Sepal.Width | Petal.Length | Petal.Width
#> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Sepal.Length | | -0.12 | 0.87*** | 0.82***
#> Sepal.Width | -0.12 | | -0.43*** | -0.37***
#> Petal.Length | 0.87*** | -0.43*** | | 0.96***
#> Petal.Width | 0.82*** | -0.37*** | 0.96*** |
#> p-value adjustment method: none
#> [Correlation matrix 'cormatrix2.xlsx' has been saved to working directory (or where specified).]
#> Warning: will not open file when not interactive
cormatrix_excel(airquality, method = "spearman", filename = "cormatrix3")
#> # Correlation Matrix (spearman-method)
#> Parameter | Ozone | Solar.R | Wind | Temp | Month | Day
#> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#> Ozone | | 0.35*** | -0.59*** | 0.77*** | 0.14 | -0.06
#> Solar.R | 0.35*** | | -9.77e-04 | 0.21* | -0.13 | -0.15
#> Wind | -0.59*** | -9.77e-04 | | -0.45*** | -0.16 | 0.04
#> Temp | 0.77*** | 0.21* | -0.45*** | | 0.37*** | -0.16
#> Month | 0.14 | -0.13 | -0.16 | 0.37*** | | -7.85e-03
#> Day | -0.06 | -0.15 | 0.04 | -0.16 | -7.85e-03 |
#> p-value adjustment method: none
#> [Correlation matrix 'cormatrix3.xlsx' has been saved to working directory (or where specified).]
#> Warning: will not open file when not interactive